With Just 38
Minutes a Day
(This got 25 of my students to 3x their reading speed)
(This got 25 of my students x....)
Are there any secrets to reading faster, remembering more — even enjoying — reading?
This 60 minute live training will cover..
When you join this live training
you will..
What if you're a slow reader?
Scientists have found you can substantially increase your reading speed with zero loss in comprehension.
Have you always been a slow reader?
My client Josh was not a reader..
Then he used
"The CEO Reading method"
...and within 2 months read 11 books…
while managing his 8 figure business.
Let me walk you through the exact training I use to help 6-8 figure CEOs and their companies read a book a week. Register Now.
"Now that I've gone through the program and I've developed the routine and the beautiful ritual of being able to read a book a week, I just know my life has been forever changed..."
"You won't be disappointed!"
"I did David's six-week program, and I went from doing almost 200 wpm to almost 600 wpm. I'm reading faster I'm scanning the pages I'm retaining..."
"I increased my reading speed from 440 wpm to 750 wpm!"
"Thanks to David’s guidance and speed-reading techniques, I increased my reading speed from 440 wpm to 750 wpm... If you're interested in improving your reading speed, I recommend checking out David's training program."
"..he gave me the tools the skills necessary to not only read faster but to retain that information to memorize that information even how to choose better books for myself so now I have an entire world of knowledge right at my fingertips.."
"one of the best things I've done is hired David to coach my team and myself to read faster and retain more!"
"..I enjoy reading so much now that since signing up with him eight months ago I have completed 28 books..
"..all I can say is I wish I had signed up a long time ago so don't wait sign up now you will be happy you did"
"the ability to gain tools to speed read and retain the information is the most valuable resource that you could ever have in your life."
"There's so much knowledge that out there that can help you 10x your life in any area, so the more you read and comprehend the more successful you are going to be."
"I have met a handful of millionaires and I ask him hey man like what do you do different than the rest of us?
he's like 'I read a bunch of books, I probably read over 600 books in my life' and I'm like really, that's the separator? you read books? he's like 'yeah'.."
"..I've been doing a book ever since maybe a book every two weeks now but the point is I got into the habit of doing it I've developed like crazy.."
"I used to be one of those guys that used to hate reading."
"I cannot thank David enough for this skill set because it has it it has had a tremendous boost in my business because I can now read an article online within 2 minutes rather than 15 minutes."
"the skill of speed reading has been a timesaver for my life.."
"I managed to crank out six books of 250 pages to 300 pages and I retained a lot of it."
" I'm training myself how to read faster and how to retain more and how to be more efficient so I've gotten amazing feedback just from the people I've told but I've also felt like I've gained so much out of it."
'' I think one of the biggest the benefits of it is being able to retain information because how many times do you read a book and then all of a sudden you reach out and you forget absolutely everything..'
I hated reading. Until 2 books changed my life.
I was that kid that flunked 5th grade, I never liked learning. Until I was at rock bottom, unemployed, and felt like I was falling behind.
I needed to grow. I ended up reading
70+ books in one year.
I never planned to be a full-time 'speed reading
and memory coach.'
Now, thanks to the abundance of knowledge in books, I have more confidence in life.
Trained 100+ CEOs, Entrepreneurs
Hosts live events, workshops, & programs
Worked with 6-8 fig CEOs & Companies
According to the largest study out there on reading rates, most people read around 238 words per minute.
To put that number into perspective, a 2023 study of over 2,000 participants conducted by the company "Spreeder"..
Noticed that faster readers, around 600 words per minute, did not have a loss in comprehension.
Forbes magazine has an article showcasing a "reading speed" study by Staples, showing college professors and high level executives reading in ranges from 500-675 words per minute.
That's almost 4x more knowledge, without a loss in comprehension.
A good reading speed to shoot for is 400 words per minute.
Who remembers more, the audiobook listener, or the book reader? Before you say, "I am an audible learner," which is disproven by decades of learning research (ask me about it)
Think about this. When you really wanted to master something in school, did you get an audiobook of the textbook, or did you read the physical book so you can..
Take notes, write on the book, look at the graphs, the data, the visuals.
The problem with audiobooks is that you are not fully focused, and books actually stimulate more senses, helping you retain the information.
Focus and attention is the pre-requisite to memory.
Science, hard data, has proven multi-tasking is very inefficient.
Multitaskers are not productive or effective, concluded a 2009 Stanford study.
“Multitaskers were just lousy at everything.” - Clifford Nass, Stanford Professor & Researcher
You need to build your focus muscle. Reading helps you build that.
Treat reading time, like eating time.
You can always find the time to eat to feed your muscles.
You may even be able to find time to work out too.
Your brain is a muscle that needs to be fed, just like your biceps.
Reading books is the push up for the brain.
Reading books compounds in more ways than you realize.
Households that read more, earn more, according to Pew Research Center.
The theory is this. Massive consumption of knowledge like the top world leaders and CEOs of the world creates..
potential power. Stored knowledge is potential power.
Knowledge will not take action for you.
So read books on action taking and courage, and stop making excuses to not read!
Top 26% of CEOs read a book a week, according to Fast Company's survey of 500 CEOs.
"The Science of Reading" by Adrian Johns has these two quotes.
“There is no support in research for the popular notion that the slow reader is superior in comprehension.” (Buswell, 113-114)
".. readers read at different speeds, and that faster ones tended to understand what they were reading at least as well as slower ones." (Johns 100)
When was the last time you took a reading class? Until you try to improve and training your reading muscle..
How do you really know that faster reading speeds are not enjoyable?
I used to think I liked reading slowly, until I read the research, and personally met naturally fast readers that remembered and comprehended more than me.
Massive action is massive reading. Most Americans read under 2 books a year.
Tony Robbins read 700 books in 7 years.
He would not be where he is today without the massive action and massive discipline it took to read at that level.
What brings more growth for the next 5 years..
Spending that one extra hour working in the business..
Or spending that one extra hour reading a high impact business or self-help book?
Which one will take you farther?
Are there any secrets to reading faster, remembering more — even enjoying — reading?
Of course! How else do you think your competition, the top 26% of CEOs read a minimum of a book a week?
A little known secret is this..
You can learn more than 99% of people without falling behind with your business.
You can learn more than 99% of people without spending hours reading every day.
You can remember more than 99% of people without rereading pages of notes.
This 60 minute live training will cover..
"The CEO Reading Method"
A system to..
stop falling asleep when you read
stop reading multiple pages to remember nothing
stop being a slow, forgetful reader
When you apply this system you will..
Learn so fast you become the leading expert in your industry.
Speak so well, people listen. A well-read leader is respected.
Apply phD levels of knowledge on psychology, business, marketing, etc.
Predict & avoid future business catastrophes, putting you ahead 20 years.
Notice super brain capabilities making you a productive machine.
Get ready for 4 levels of science-backed training to boost your reading performance..
Remember, the secret is…"The CEO Reading Method". But reading sucks.
(If you can’t remember or implement anything.)
The good news for us is that scientists have found you can substantially increase your reading speed with zero loss in comprehension.
Look at the top right corner of that graph above. Higher speeds with higher comprehension.
Don't let the masses fool you into thinking your reading experience cannot be improved.
I've read over 20+ scientific papers and 10+ books on the neuroscience of reading.
Reading can and should be an fulfilling, enjoyable, energizing experience.
The "CEO Reading Method" cracked the code for making this happen.
That’s why you’ll see people like my client Josh start using "The CEO Reading method" and within 2 months read 11 books… while managing his 8 figure business.
So if you’ve been looking for a knowledge accelerator to 10x your business, productivity, or at the very least avoid becoming outdated in the information age, you’ve found it.
Let me walk you through the exact 60 minute live training I use to help 6-8 figure CEOs and their companies read a book a week. Register Now.
(My clients pay thousands to sit in a zoom call with me and hear the secrets you're about to learn)
"Now that I've gone through the program and I've developed the routine and the beautiful ritual of being able to read a book a week, I just know my life has been forever changed..."
"You won't be disappointed!"
"I did David's six-week program, and I went from doing almost 200 wpm to almost 600 wpm. I'm reading faster I'm scanning the pages I'm retaining..."
"I increased my reading speed from 440 wpm to 750 wpm!"
"Thanks to David’s guidance and speed-reading techniques, I increased my reading speed from 440 wpm to 750 wpm... If you're interested in improving your reading speed, I recommend checking out David's training program."
(This got 25 of my students to 3x their reading speed)
(This got 25 of my students x....)
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